June 12, 2014

The City of Bridges is about to expand

Victoria Bridge. Flickr Michael Scheltgen

Both Provincial and Federal governments have pledged to financially assist the City of Saskatoon to fund two major bridge projects. Between the two levels of government, $116 million will be contributed to the projects.

This major project, which will be designed, built, and maintained by a private sector partner, will involve the replacement of the Victoria Bridge (or Traffic Bridge) and the development of the North Commuter Parkway as well as connecting roadways to the bridges. The City is also considering making the north bridge a toll bridge, having the users pay a small fee to cross to help cover the costs.

When complete, the North Commuter Bridge would link the Marquis Downs industrial area with University Heights which would help ease congestion on the Circle Drive North Bridge, which sees an estimated 80,000 vehicles a day. It is estimated to relieve that number by half.

Construction of the two bridges is expected to take 2 years to complete.

This will help ease congestion in the north east neighbourhoods and will decrease travel times going to the north end of the city for the Silverspring, Evergreen, Willowgrove, University Heights, Arbor Creek, and Erindale areas. If you have questions about any of these areas, feel free to contact me today and I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Kari Calder

Saskatoon real estate agent

Century 21 Fusion
